Products of Seamless Thrss-dimensional Washi

Design Toshiyuki KITA Natural by|n meister
by|n meister KOZO SHIKIRI

Washi - in our daily lives

Washi - for rooms & in interiors

The texture of washi gently separates the space. Combined with a smooth, flowing shape, it balances light and shadow to softly illuminate any space.

Washi - for rooms & in interiors - photo1 Washi - for rooms & in interiors - photo2

Washi - for communication

Washi would carry one's natural thought and feelings with courtesy and politeness.

Washi - for communication - photo1 Washi - for communication - photo2

Washi - for hobbiws & crafts

The long, tough fibers of the plants result in thin, durable, and naturally elegant paper.

Washi - for hobbiws & crafts - photo1 Washi - for hobbiws & crafts - photo2

Washi - for special occasions and hospitality

Washi for expressing happiness and hospitality, as well as in ceremonial occasions such as the coming of age, marriage, funeral and ancestral worship.

Washi - for special occasions and hospitality - photo1 Washi - for special occasions and hospitality - photo2

Other Product Line

Basic washi

The quality of washi depends on the condition of plant fiber, chemicals & other additives, and technologies/techniques used in the process. Thickness, color, and the texture of finished product differ slightly and sensitively.

Basic washi - photo1 Basic washi - photo2

Materials of washi

Various materials are used in production of washi.
We deal with a variety of raw branches & woodsticks and plant fibers; from typical to rare, and orders of small to large amount.

aterials of washi - photo1 aterials of washi - photo2